- 口罩太貴又難買:你可以換個地方試試看。買到了麻煩告訴我一聲,加拿大這裡也買不到。
- 政府政策改來改去,一下要說戴口罩一下又說不用:這的確會造成民眾的困擾。那麼他為什麼會改來改去?如果是因應當時的狀況,包括疫情與醫療能量與醫材供應,或者為了避免民眾恐慌?如是前者,此次政府能有一些提前應對,例如安排生產口罩的機器與原料,已經夠好了。如果有哪位神級人士可以什麼事情都提前算到,那下次總統大選我一定要飛回去投他一票。
- 武漢還有很多國人留在那裏,先把他們接回來,不管人數多少,不管流程如何:這裡的疑慮應該相當清楚,須隔離人數不能超過我方的承受量,而飛機上只要有一個陽性反應的人就會造成極大的恐慌。完全不理會這些顧慮,像個復讀機一樣不斷念念念不把人接回來就是不人道,這種行為算是什麼?
- 臺灣的防疫手段、公衛系統都是跟人家學的,沒資格嘲笑別人對別人指指點點:嘲笑別人,幸災樂禍的確不好,人人都應該為自己留點口德。不過我還是認為有所成就就值得獲得掌聲。我沒辦法對國衛院那間合成出瑞德西偉實驗室的人說你們用的合成步驟課本上都有。
- 臺灣一直說能夠幫助其他國家,那就拿出相應作為:我覺得我國政府的確應該加大援外力度。我們現在有十五個邦交國,可能大部分都有醫療資源不足的問題。除了先賣給他們一些口罩甚至一些防護裝備,讓他們的供給他們的入出境管理人員能好好保護自己,也可以派出公衛或醫療專家,教他們如何對民眾進行衛教、如何採樣、萬一有確診病人要如何隔離或分流。目前為止我只看到幫忙帛琉篩檢了一個疑似病人。這是帛琉總統府的新聞稿:
“On March 2020, the Ministry of Health announced that a US healthworker with flu symptoms was admitted to Belau National Hospital. In light of the concerns over the international coronavirus situation, emergency protocols were enacted BUT the patient has NOT tested positive for the illness. Palau takes all public health risks seriously and we are working closely with the United Nations World Health Organization (UN-WHO), the United States Centers for Disease Control (US-CDC) with assistance and support from the Republic of China, Taiwan and Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (TW-CDC) to determine IF the patient is infected and to ensure the highest-level response possible. At this time, there is no indication that the coronavirus is responsible for the patient’s symptoms or that the community has been exposed to the virus. Still, as the MOH reminds us, it is always wise to practice common-sense personal hygiene: Cover cough and sneeze with a clean tissue or your sleeve and wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water, or at least 70% alcohol-based sanitizer. There is no indication at this point that the patient is suffering from anything other than the common cold. We will provide the latest information as information becomes available. Palau and our partners at the CDC are equipped to manage the situation should the patient receive a positive test. As in so many situations like this, fear—not a germ—is our biggest enemy.”
— President Tommy Remengesau Jr.